
Class XMLDocReader

  extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
      extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
          extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DcsDataDocReader, DleseAnnoDocReader, DleseCollectionDocReader, ItemDocReader, NewsOppsDocReader

public class XMLDocReader
extends FileIndexingServiceDocReader

A bean meant for subclassing that contains methods to read search results from indexed XML records. Subclasses of this bean provide specific accessor methods for XML data of their type. The data is read from a Lucene Document that was returned from a search and from XML on file.

In general, one XMLDocReader may be created for each document type that is defined in package org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.

John Weatherley
See Also:
XMLFileIndexingWriter, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
 class XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection
          A collection of user interface labels derived from vocabulary field/value IDs.
Field Summary
protected  MetadataVocab metadataVocab
          The vocab manager
protected  RecordDataService recordDataService
          The record data service
protected  RepositoryManager repositoryManager
          The RepositoryManager
Fields inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
conf, doc, resultDoc, score
Constructor Summary
          Constructor for the XMLDocReader object
XMLDocReader(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc)
          Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
Method Summary
 String[] getAllIds()
          Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.
 String[] getAnnoCollectionKeys()
          Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.
 ArrayList getAnnoFormats()
          Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.
 ArrayList getAnnoPathways()
          Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.
 String[] getAnnoRatings()
          Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none.
 ArrayList getAnnoStatus()
          Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.
 ResultDocList getAnnotationResultDocs()
          Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.
 String[] getAnnoTypes()
          Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.
 Map getAssignedByIdRelatedRecordsMap()
          Gets a Map of records that this item assignes a relationship to by ID, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 Map getAssignedByUrlRelatedRecordsMap()
          Gets a Map of record ResultDoc arrays that this item assignes a relationship to by URL, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 String[] getAssignedRelatedIdsOfType(String relationType)
          Gets the record IDs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.
 String[] getAssignedRelatedUrlsOfType(String relationType)
          Gets the URLs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.
 String[] getAssignedRelationshipByIdTypes()
          Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related ID, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 String[] getAssignedRelationshipByUrlTypes()
          Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related URL, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 Map getAssignedRelationshipsForItemsMap()
          Gets a Map of record IDs and the corresponding relationships they are assigned.
 String[] getAssociatedIds()
          Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.
 ArrayList getAudioAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getAvailableFormats()
          Gets the XML formats that are available for this item including those that are available through XMLConversionService.
 String getAverageAnnoRating()
          Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none.
 float getAverageAnnoRatingFloat()
          Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.
 boolean getCanDissiminateFormat()
          Determine if XML for this item can be dissiminated in the requested format specified using the setRequestedXmlFormat(String), as available through XMLConversionService.
 String getCollection()
          Gets the primary collection associated with this item, for example 'dcc'.
 String getCollectionKey()
          Gets the collection key associated with this record, for example 01.
 String[] getCollectionKeys()
          Gets all collection keys associated with this record, for example {01,02}.
 String getCollectionLabel()
          Gets the collection UI label from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'DLESE Community Collection (DCC)', or the short title from the collection record if the vocab manager is not available.
 String[] getCollections()
          Gets the collections associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example {dcc,comet}.
 ArrayList getCompletedAdvice()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.
 String[] getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys()
          Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnos()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnosOfType(String type)
          Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnotation()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedAverageScores()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedBias()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedChallengingSituations()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedChange()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedComment()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedEditorSummaries()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedEducationalStandard()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedExample()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedExplanation()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedQuestion()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedReviews()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedSeeAlso()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedTeachingTips()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.
 String getDescription()
          Gets the description for the item.
 String getDocsource()
          Gets the path to the source file of the document used to create this index record.
protected  String getFieldId(String fieldString, String metadataFormat)
          Gets the field ID from the field name, for example 'gradeRange' will return 'gr'.
 ArrayList getGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.
 boolean getHasAssignedRelations()
          Determines whether this item assigns one or more relationships by ID or URL.
 String getHasCompletedAnno()
          Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getHasInProgressAnno()
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
 boolean getHasRelations()
          Determines whether this item has one or more relations.
 String getId()
          Gets the id for this record, for example 'DLESE-000-000-000-001'.
 String getIdEncoded()
          Gets the id for this record as encoded for unique searching and inexing.
 List getIdsOfRecordsWithAssignedRelationships()
          Gets a List of all IDs for records that this item assignes relationships for by ID or URL.
 String getIndexedContent()
          Gets the full text of the content that was indexed.
 ArrayList getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String format)
          Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
 boolean getIsMyCollectionDisabled()
          Determines whether my collection is 'disabled'.
 boolean getIsMyCollectionEnabled()
          Determines whether my collection is 'enabled'.
 String getMetadataPrefix()
          Gets the metadata previx (format) of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'.
 MetadataVocab getMetadataVocab()
          Gets the metadataVocab manager, or null if one is not available
 String getMetadataVocabAudience()
          Gets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object
 String getMetadataVocabLanguage()
          Gets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object
protected  org.apache.lucene.document.Document getMultiDoc()
          Gets the multiDoc lucene Document for this item, or the single doc, if none available.
 DleseCollectionDocReader getMyCollectionDoc()
          Gets the collection doc for the collection in which this record is a part.
 String getMyCollectionsRecordId()
          Gets the ID of collection record in which this item belongs.
 String getNativeFormat()
          Gets the nativeFormat of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'.
 String getNsdlDublinCoreXml()
          Gets the content in NSDL Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available.
 String getNumAnnoRatings()
          Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String.
 int getNumAnnoRatingsInt()
          Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.
 String getNumAudioAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumCompletedAnnos()
          Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumInProgressAnnos()
          Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumTextAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumVideoAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.
 String getOaiDatestamp()
          Gets the oaiDatestamp in UTC format for the given record.
 String getOaiDublinCoreXml()
          Gets the content in OAI Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available.
 String getOaiLastModifiedString()
          Gets a String representataion of the oai datestamp in readable format.
 List getOaiSets()
          Gets the OAI sets associated with this record as an ArrayList of Strings, for example 'dcc' or null.
 String getReaderType()
          Gets the String 'XmlDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
 String[] getRelatedIdsOfType(String relationType)
          Gets the record IDs for the documents with the given relationship to this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 Map getRelatedRecordsMap()
          Gets a Map of records that are related to this item, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 String[] getRelationshipTypes()
          Gets the types of relationships that were indexed for this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
 String getRequestedXml()
          Same as getRequestedXmlFormat() except returns the non-localized XML if no format was specified.
 String getRequestedXmlFormat()
          Gets XML in the format that was previously specified using the setRequestedXmlFormat(String) method, or the localized native format if none was specified.
 String getSet()
          Gets the primary set (collection) associated with this item, for example dcc.
 String[] getSets()
          Gets the sets (collections) associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example dcc, which is not the same as the OAI sets.
 String getSetString()
          Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String.
 ArrayList getTextAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.
 String getTitle()
          Gets the title of the item.
protected  String getUiLabelFromVocabId(String fieldId, String valueId, String metadataFormat)
          Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID.
protected  String getUiLabelFromVocabName(String fieldName, String vocabName, String metadataFormat)
          Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value name from the XML and field name.
protected  Collection getUiLabelsFromVocabIds(String fieldId, String[] valueIds, String metadataFormat)
          Gets the UI labels corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID.
 String getUrl()
          Gets the url for the item.
 String getValidationReport()
          Gets the validationReport for this document, or null if no validationReport was found.
protected  String getValueId(String fieldName, String vocabName, String metadataFormat)
          Gets the value ID from the field name and value name, for example 'key', 'dcc' will return '09'.
 ArrayList getVideoAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.
 Document getW3CXmlDoc()
          Gets a org.w3c.dom.Document for this record.
 String getWhatsNewDate()
          Gets the Whats New date as a String.
 Date getWhatsNewDateDate()
          Gets the Whats New date as a Date.
 String getWhatsNewType()
          Gets the Whats New type, which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.
 String getXml()
          Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format.
 Document getXmlDoc()
          Gets a dom4j XML Document for this record.
 String getXmlFormat(String format, boolean filter)
          Gets XML in the given format.
 String getXmlLocalized()
          Gets the native format in a localized form if available, otherwise returns the native format stripped of XML and DTD declarations.
 String getXmlStripped()
          Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format, with no XML or DTD declaration.
 boolean hasAnnotations()
          Determines whether this item has annotations.
 boolean hasCompletedAnno()
          Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.
 boolean hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String type)
          Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.
 boolean hasInProgressAnno()
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
 boolean hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String format)
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
 void init()
          Initialized a new XMLDocReader at search time.
 boolean isValid()
          Determines whether the XML for this record is valid.
protected static void prtln(String s)
          Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
protected static void prtlnErr(String s)
          Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
 void setMetadataVocabAudience(String audience)
          Sets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object
 void setMetadataVocabLanguage(String language)
          Sets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object
 void setRequestedXmlFormat(String format)
          Sets the XML format that will be returned by the getRequestedXmlFormat() method.
Methods inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
fileExists, getDateFileWasIndexed, getDateFileWasIndexedString, getDateStamp, getDeleted, getDocDir, getDocsourceEncoded, getDoctype, getFile, getFileExists, getFileName, getFullContent, getFullContentEncodedAs, getLastModified, getLastModifiedAsUTC, getLastModifiedString, isDeleted, setDebug
Methods inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
doInit, getAttribute, getDocMap, getDocument, getIndex, getLazyDocMap, getQuery, getRepositoryManager, getScore, setDoc
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected MetadataVocab metadataVocab
The vocab manager


protected RecordDataService recordDataService
The record data service


protected RepositoryManager repositoryManager
The RepositoryManager

Constructor Detail


public XMLDocReader()
Constructor for the XMLDocReader object


public XMLDocReader(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc)
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.

doc - A Lucene Document created by a ItemFileIndexingWriter.
Method Detail


public void init()
Initialized a new XMLDocReader at search time.

Specified by:
init in class DocReader


public String getReaderType()
Gets the String 'XmlDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type. This may be used in (Struts) beans to determine which type of reader is available for a given search result and thus what data is available for display in the UI. The reader type determines which getter methods are available.

Specified by:
getReaderType in class DocReader
The String 'XmlDocReader'.


public String getIndexedContent()
Gets the full text of the content that was indexed.

The indexedContent value.


public String getTitle()
Gets the title of the item.

The title or empty if none


public String getDescription()
Gets the description for the item.

The description or empty


public String getUrl()
Gets the url for the item.

The url or empty


public String getId()
Gets the id for this record, for example 'DLESE-000-000-000-001'.

The id value


public String getIdEncoded()
Gets the id for this record as encoded for unique searching and inexing.

The id encoded


public String getMetadataPrefix()
Gets the metadata previx (format) of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'.

The metadataPrefix value


public String getNativeFormat()
Gets the nativeFormat of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'. Same as getMetadataPrefix().

The nativeFormat.


public String getWhatsNewType()
Gets the Whats New type, which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.

The What's New type or empty String.


public String getWhatsNewDate()
Gets the Whats New date as a String. Note that for ADN records, the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user is ItemDocReader.getMultiWhatsNewDate().

The What's New date or empty String.


public Date getWhatsNewDateDate()
Gets the Whats New date as a Date. Note that for ADN records, the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user is ItemDocReader.getMultiWhatsNewDateDate().

The What's New date or null.


public String getSetString()
Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String.

The collections.


public String[] getSets()
Gets the sets (collections) associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example dcc, which is not the same as the OAI sets. Assumes the set key has not been encoded using the vocab manager. The first set in the array is the primary set. Additional sets, if present, represent secondary sets that have been associated with this record via the ID mapper service.

The set(s) associated with this record.


public List getOaiSets()
Gets the OAI sets associated with this record as an ArrayList of Strings, for example 'dcc' or null.

A List of OAI set Strings, or null if none


public String getSet()
Gets the primary set (collection) associated with this item, for example dcc. The first collection in the array is the primary collection. Additional collection, if present, represent secondary collections that have been associated with this record via the ID mapper service.

The primary collection associated with this record.


public String getCollection()
Gets the primary collection associated with this item, for example 'dcc'. The first collection in the array is the primary collection. Additional collection, if present, represent secondary collections that have been associated with this record via the ID mapper service.

The primary collection associated with this record.


public String[] getCollections()
Gets the collections associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example {dcc,comet}. Assumes the collection key has not been encoded using the vocab manager. The first collection in the array is the primary collection. Additional collection, if present, represent secondary collections that have been associated with this record via the ID mapper service.

The collection(s) associated with this record.


public String getCollectionKey()
Gets the collection key associated with this record, for example 01. Assumes the set key has been encoded using the vocab manager and that there is only one collection associated with this item.

The collection for which this item belogs.


public String[] getCollectionKeys()
Gets all collection keys associated with this record, for example {01,02}. Assumes the set key has been encoded using the vocab manager and that there are more than one collections associated with this item.

The collections for which this item belogs.


public String getCollectionLabel()
Gets the collection UI label from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'DLESE Community Collection (DCC)', or the short title from the collection record if the vocab manager is not available. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>

The collection label for this record


public DleseCollectionDocReader getMyCollectionDoc()
Gets the collection doc for the collection in which this record is a part.

The myCollectionDoc value, or null if none available.


public boolean getIsMyCollectionEnabled()
Determines whether my collection is 'enabled'.

True if my collection is configured and is enabled, false if not


public boolean getIsMyCollectionDisabled()
Determines whether my collection is 'disabled'.

True if my collection is configured and is disabled, false if not


public String getMyCollectionsRecordId()
Gets the ID of collection record in which this item belongs.

The ID of this item's collection record, or null if not available.


public final String getXml()
Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format. Characters in the String returned are encoded as UTF-8.

The XML, or empty string if unable to process.


public final Document getXmlDoc()
Gets a dom4j XML Document for this record. This method is optimized to create only one DOM when accessed multiple times for the same XMLDocReader.

A dom4j XML Document, or null if unable to read


public Document getW3CXmlDoc()
Gets a org.w3c.dom.Document for this record. This method is optimized to create only one DOM when accessed multiple times for the same XMLDocReader.

A org.w3c.dom.Document, or null if unable to read.


public final String getXmlStripped()
Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format, with no XML or DTD declaration. Characters in the returned String are encoded as UTF-8.

The XML, or empty string if unable to process.


public final String getXmlLocalized()
Gets the native format in a localized form if available, otherwise returns the native format stripped of XML and DTD declarations. Localized XML contains no namespace declarations, making XPath sytax much simpler to work with since there is no need to use the local-name() function. Characters in the String retured are encoded at UTF-8.

The localized XML, or the native format stripped of XML and DTD declarations.


public String getXmlFormat(String format,
                           boolean filter)
Gets XML in the given format. The resulting String contains XML in the given format, or an empty String if unable to dissiminate. Uses an XMLConversionService to perform the transformation from the native format to the requested format. If filter is set to true then the output will have the XML declaration stripped out and the DTD declaration will be commented out, in the case of DLESE IMS. Use filter=true to get XML suitable for insertion into an OAI container. Use filter=true to get the full XML including XML and DTD declaration, if present. Characters in the String returned are encoded as UTF-8.

format - The format desired.
filter - Indicates whether to filter out the XML and DTD declaration.
XML for the given format, or an empty String if unable to process.


public final String getRequestedXmlFormat()
Gets XML in the format that was previously specified using the setRequestedXmlFormat(String) method, or the localized native format if none was specified. The resulting String contains XML in the requested format, or an empty String if unable to process. Uses an XMLConversionService to perform the transformation from the native format to the requested format. XML and DTD declarations do not appear the output.

XML for the requested format, or an empty String if unable to process.
See Also:


public final String getRequestedXml()
Same as getRequestedXmlFormat() except returns the non-localized XML if no format was specified. XML and DTD declarations do not appear the output.

XML for the requested format, or an empty String if unable to process.
See Also:
setRequestedXmlFormat(String), getRequestedXmlFormat()


public void setRequestedXmlFormat(String format)
Sets the XML format that will be returned by the getRequestedXmlFormat() method.

format - The new requestedXmlFormat value
See Also:


public ArrayList getAvailableFormats()
Gets the XML formats that are available for this item including those that are available through XMLConversionService.

The availableFormats, for example adn, oai_dc


public boolean getCanDissiminateFormat()
Determine if XML for this item can be dissiminated in the requested format specified using the setRequestedXmlFormat(String), as available through XMLConversionService.

True if the requested XML format can be dissiminated
See Also:
setRequestedXmlFormat(String), getXmlFormat(java.lang.String, boolean), getRequestedXmlFormat(), getRequestedXml()


public String getOaiDublinCoreXml()
Gets the content in OAI Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available. The output contains no XML and DTD declaration.

The oaiDublinCoreXml or empty String


public String getNsdlDublinCoreXml()
Gets the content in NSDL Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available. The output contains no XML and DTD declaration.

The nsdlDublinCoreXml or empty String


public String getOaiDatestamp()
Gets the oaiDatestamp in UTC format for the given record.

The oaiDatestamp value.


public String getOaiLastModifiedString()
Gets a String representataion of the oai datestamp in readable format.

The File modification time.


public String getValidationReport()
Gets the validationReport for this document, or null if no validationReport was found.

The validationReport value.
See Also:


public String getDocsource()
Gets the path to the source file of the document used to create this index record.

getDocsource in class FileIndexingServiceDocReader
The document source file path


public boolean isValid()
Determines whether the XML for this record is valid. To search for valididity, use field valid:[true|false] (unstored). If the XML was not valid there will be a validation report available.

True if valid, else false.
See Also:


protected String getFieldId(String fieldString,
                            String metadataFormat)
Gets the field ID from the field name, for example 'gradeRange' will return 'gr'.

fieldString - A vocab field, for example 'gradeRange'
metadataFormat - The metadata format, for example 'adn'
The field ID, for example 'gr', or the original field name if a translation is not available


protected String getValueId(String fieldName,
                            String vocabName,
                            String metadataFormat)
Gets the value ID from the field name and value name, for example 'key', 'dcc' will return '09'.

fieldName - The vocab field ID, for example 'key' or 'gradeRange'.
vocabName - The vocab value name, for example 'dcc' or 'DLESE:High school'.
metadataFormat - The metadata format, for example 'adn'
The value ID, for example '09' or '02', or the original value name if a translation is not available


public MetadataVocab getMetadataVocab()
Gets the metadataVocab manager, or null if one is not available

The metadataVocab manager


public String getMetadataVocabLanguage()
Gets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object

The metadataVocabLanguage value


public void setMetadataVocabLanguage(String language)
Sets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object

language - The new metadataVocabLanguage value


public String getMetadataVocabAudience()
Gets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object

The metadataVocabAudience value


public void setMetadataVocabAudience(String audience)
Sets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object

audience - The new metadataVocabAudience value


protected String getUiLabelFromVocabId(String fieldId,
                                       String valueId,
                                       String metadataFormat)
Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'. Note that if the vocab manager can not translate the given IDs then a comment string <!-- MUI... will be returned.

fieldId - The vocab field ID, for example 'gr'.
valueId - The vocab value IDs, for example '07'.
metadataFormat - The metadata format, for example 'adn'
The UI lables for the given IDs, for example 'Primary (K-2)'


protected String getUiLabelFromVocabName(String fieldName,
                                         String vocabName,
                                         String metadataFormat)
Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value name from the XML and field name. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'. Note that if the vocab manager can not translate the given name then a comment string <!-- MUI... will be returned.

fieldName - The vocab field ID, for example 'key' or 'gradeRange'.
vocabName - The vocab value name, for example 'dcc' or 'DLESE:High school'.
metadataFormat - The metadata format, for example 'adn'
The UI lables for the given IDs, for example 'DLESE Community Collection (DCC)' or 'High (9-12)'.


protected Collection getUiLabelsFromVocabIds(String fieldId,
                                             String[] valueIds,
                                             String metadataFormat)
Gets the UI labels corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'. Note that if the vocab manager can not translate the given IDs then the valueIds will be returned unchanged.

fieldId - The vocab field ID, for example 'gr'.
valueIds - The vocab value IDs, for example '07', '04', '05'.
metadataFormat - The metadata format, for example 'adn'
The UI lables for the given IDs, for example 'Primary (K-2)', 'Intermediate (3-5)', 'Middle (6-8)'


protected org.apache.lucene.document.Document getMultiDoc()
Gets the multiDoc lucene Document for this item, or the single doc, if none available. A multiDoc is a Document that holds data from multiple XML records that catalog/reference the same resource. This method is overridden by the sub classes that support it.

The multiDoc value


public boolean getHasAssignedRelations()
Determines whether this item assigns one or more relationships by ID or URL.

True if asigned relations are present, false otherwise.


public String[] getAssignedRelationshipByIdTypes()
Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related ID, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

The types of assigned relationships, or empty array if none


public String[] getAssignedRelationshipByUrlTypes()
Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related URL, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

The types of assigned relationships, or empty array if none


public String[] getAssignedRelatedIdsOfType(String relationType)
Gets the record IDs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.

relationType - The type of relationship assigned, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'
The IDs of the related records


public String[] getAssignedRelatedUrlsOfType(String relationType)
Gets the URLs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.

relationType - The type of relationship assigned, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'
The URLs of the related items


public Map getAssignedByIdRelatedRecordsMap()
Gets a Map of records that this item assignes a relationship to by ID, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

A Map of record ResultDoc arrays keyed by relationship type


public Map getAssignedByUrlRelatedRecordsMap()
Gets a Map of record ResultDoc arrays that this item assignes a relationship to by URL, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

A Map of record ResultDoc arrays keyed by relationship type


public Map getAssignedRelationshipsForItemsMap()
Gets a Map of record IDs and the corresponding relationships they are assigned. The key is the record ID, the value is a list of relationships assigned for that ID (assigned by ID or URL).

A Map of type


public List getIdsOfRecordsWithAssignedRelationships()
Gets a List of all IDs for records that this item assignes relationships for by ID or URL.

A List of ID Strings.


public boolean getHasRelations()
Determines whether this item has one or more relations.

True if relations are present, false otherwise.


public String[] getRelationshipTypes()
Gets the types of relationships that were indexed for this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

The types of relationships, or empty array if none


public String[] getRelatedIdsOfType(String relationType)
Gets the record IDs for the documents with the given relationship to this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

relationType - The type of relationship, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'
The IDs of the related records


public Map getRelatedRecordsMap()
Gets a Map of records that are related to this item, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.

A Map of record ResultDoc arrays keyed by relationship type


public boolean hasAnnotations()
Determines whether this item has annotations.

True if annotations are present, false otherwise.


public String[] getAllIds()
Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.

The allIds value


public String[] getAssociatedIds()
Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.

The associated IDs value.


public ResultDocList getAnnotationResultDocs()
Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.

The ResultDocs value


public boolean hasCompletedAnno()
Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.

True if this item has one or more completed annotation, false otherwise.


public String getHasCompletedAnno()
Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The hasCompletedAnno value


public String getNumCompletedAnnos()
Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The numCompletedAnnos value


public String getNumInProgressAnnos()
Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The numInProgressAnnos value


public String getNumTextAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The numTextAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumAudioAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The numAudioAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The numGraphicalAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumVideoAnnosInProgress()
Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.

The number of video format annotations


public boolean hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String type)
Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.

type - The annotation type
True if this item has a completed annotataion of the given type.


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnosOfType(String type)
Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.

type - The annotation type, for example 'Review', 'Teaching tip', etc.
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders for all completed annotataions for this item of the given type, or an empty list.


public String getHasInProgressAnno()
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.

'true' if the item has an annotation in progress, otherwise 'false'.


public boolean hasInProgressAnno()
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.

True if the item has an annotation in progress, otherwise false.


public boolean hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String format)
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.

format - Annotation format
True if the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, otherwise false.


public ArrayList getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String format)
Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.

format - Annotation format
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders


public ArrayList getTextAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getAudioAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders


public ArrayList getGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getVideoAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnos()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedReviews()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedTeachingTips()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedEditorSummaries()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedChallengingSituations()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAverageScores()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAdvice()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnotation()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedBias()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedChange()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedComment()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedEducationalStandard()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedExample()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedExplanation()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedQuestion()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedSeeAlso()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.

A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public String[] getAnnoCollectionKeys()
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.

The annoCollectionKeys value


public String[] getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys()
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.

The completedAnnoCollectionKeys value


public String[] getAnnoTypes()
Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.

The anno types value.


public ArrayList getAnnoPathways()
Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.

The list of anno pathway Strings


public ArrayList getAnnoStatus()
Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.

A list of anno status Strings


public ArrayList getAnnoFormats()
Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.

A list of anno formats Strings


public String[] getAnnoRatings()
Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none. Each rating represents a single annotation's star rating for this item.

An String array of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or null


public String getAverageAnnoRating()
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none. The rating is shown to three decimal points, for example '4.333' or '3.000'.

The average star rating to three decimal points as a String


public float getAverageAnnoRatingFloat()
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.

The average star rating or -1 if none


public String getNumAnnoRatings()
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String. The number is displayed to five digits, for example '00002' or '00000'.

The number of star ratings as a String


public int getNumAnnoRatingsInt()
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.

The number of star ratings for this item


protected static void prtlnErr(String s)
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.

s - The text that will be output to error out.


protected static void prtln(String s)
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.

s - The String that will be output.
