
Package org.dlese.dpc.index.reader

Provides beans used to read data returned in Lucene search results.


Interface Summary
DleseCollectionDocReader.Contributor A bean that holds information about a DLESE contributor.

Class Summary
DleseAnnoDocReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE annotation-level metadata record.
DleseCollectionDocReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE collection-level metadata record.
DocReader An abstract bean for accessing the data stored in the Lucene Documents that are returned from a search.
DocumentMap A Map for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document as field/value pairs.
ErrorDocReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed by a ErrorFileIndexingWriter, which occurs when there is an error while indexing a given file.
FileIndexingServiceDocReader An abstract bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
HarvestLogReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that logs a single OAI harvest.
ItemDocReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE item-level metadata record, such as ADN.
LazyDocumentMap A Map for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document as field/value pairs.
NewsOppsDocReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE news and opportunities metadata record.
SimpleDocReader A bean that provides a simple implementataion of the DocReader interface.
SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader A bean meant for subclassing that provides a basic implementataion of the FileIndexingServiceDocReader interface.
WebLogReader A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that logs a single web request.
XMLDocReader A bean meant for subclassing that contains methods to read search results from indexed XML records.

Package org.dlese.dpc.index.reader Description

Provides beans used to read data returned in Lucene search results.
