
Class ItemDocReader

  extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
      extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
          extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
              extended by org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ItemDocReader
extends XMLDocReader

A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE item-level metadata record, such as ADN. The index writer that is responsible for creating this type of Lucene Document is a ItemFileIndexingWriter.

John Weatherley
See Also:
ItemFileIndexingWriter, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
 class ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
          Data for a related resource.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
metadataVocab, recordDataService, repositoryManager
Fields inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
conf, doc, resultDoc, score
Constructor Summary
          Constructor for the ItemDocReader object
ItemDocReader(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, SimpleLuceneIndex index)
          Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a ItemFileIndexingWriter.
Method Summary
 String getAccessionDate()
          Gets the accession date as a String.
 Date getAccessionDateDate()
          Gets the accession date as a Java Date.
 String getAccessionStatus()
          Gets the AccessionStatus for this record.
 String[] getAllAssociatedCollectionKeys()
          Gets the collection keys for all collections that are associated with this resource including collections that are not enabled.
 String[] getAllIds()
          Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.
 ResultDocList getAllItemResultDocs()
          Gets the ItemDocReaders for all records that refer to this resource.
 String[] getAnnoCollectionKeys()
          Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.
 ArrayList getAnnoFormats()
          Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.
 ArrayList getAnnoPathways()
          Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.
 String[] getAnnoRatings()
          Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none.
 ArrayList getAnnoStatus()
          Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.
 ResultDocList getAnnotationResultDocs()
          Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.
 String[] getAnnoTypes()
          Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.
 ArrayList getAssociatedCollectionKeys()
          Gets the collection keys for all enabled collections that are associated with this resource.
 String[] getAssociatedIds()
          Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.
 ResultDocList getAssociatedItemResultDocs()
          Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items for this item (refer to same resource).
 ArrayList getAudioAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.
 String getAverageAnnoRating()
          Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none.
 float getAverageAnnoRatingFloat()
          Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.
 String[] getBeneficiary()
          Gets the beneficiary attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getCollectionsString()
          Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String.
 ArrayList getCompletedAdvice()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.
 String[] getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys()
          Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnos()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnosOfType(String type)
          Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.
 ArrayList getCompletedAnnotation()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedAverageScores()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedBias()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedChallengingSituations()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedChange()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedComment()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedEditorSummaries()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedEducationalStandard()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedExample()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedExplanation()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedQuestion()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedReviews()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedSeeAlso()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.
 ArrayList getCompletedTeachingTips()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.
 Collection getContentStandardLabels()
          Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available.
 String[] getContentStandards()
          Gets the content standards for this record, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.
 String getCreationDate()
          Gets the created date as a String.
 Date getCreationDateDate()
          Gets the created date as a Java Date ADN XPath metaMetadata/dateInfo@created.
 ResultDocList getDeDupedResultDocs()
          Gets the de-duped ResultDocs for all records that refer to this resource from the dup items index, or null if this is not a duped record.
 String getDescription()
          Gets the description for this item.
 ResultDocList getDisplayableAssociatedItemResultDocs()
          Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items (refer to same resource) for this item that have an appropriate status for display in discovery.
 String[] getErrorStrings()
          Gets the errors identified by the ID mapper for this records.
 String[] getErrorTypes()
          Gets the errors types (codes) identified by the ID mapper for this records.
 Collection getGradeRangeLabels()
          Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available.
 String[] getGradeRanges()
          Gets the grade ranges for this record, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.
 ArrayList getGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.
 String getHasCompletedAnno()
          Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getHasInProgressAnno()
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
 String getHasRelatedResource()
          Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type.
 ArrayList getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String format)
          Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
 String[] getInstructionalGoal()
          Gets the instructionalGoal attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String[] getKeywords()
          Gets the keywords as a sorted array.
 String getKeywordsDisplay()
          Gets the keywords as a sorted comma separated list terminated with a period suitable for display to users.
 ArrayList getMissingAssociatedItemIds()
          Gets the missingAssociatedItemIds for associated items that are not in the index.
 String getMultiAccessionDate()
          Gets the accession date for this muti-doc, as a date String, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it.
 Date getMultiAccessionDateDate()
          Gets the accession date for this multi-doc as a Java Date, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it.
 String getMultiAccessionStatus()
          Gets the the concatinated accession statuses of all associated records for this item.
 Collection getMultiContentStandardLabels()
          Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog this resource, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available.
 String[] getMultiContentStandards()
          Gets the content standards for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.
 String getMultiDescription()
          Gets the concatinated descriptions of all associated records for this item.
 List getMultiDisplayableRelatedResources()
          Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource that have an appropriate status for display in discovery, or null if none.
protected  org.apache.lucene.document.Document getMultiDoc()
          Gets the multiDoc lucene Document for this item, or the single doc, if none available.
 Collection getMultiGradeRangeLabels()
          Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available.
 String[] getMultiGradeRanges()
          Gets the grade ranges for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.
 String getMultiHasRelatedResource()
          Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource.
 String getMultiIds()
          Gets the the concatinated IDs of all associated records for this item.
 String[] getMultiKeywords()
          Gets the keywords for all associated records as a sorted array.
 String getMultiRecordStatus()
          Gets the value 'true' or 'false' depending on whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.
 ResultDocList getMultiRelatedResourceByIdDocs()
          Gets the multiRelatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String[] getMultiRelatedResourceIds()
          Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present.
 List getMultiRelatedResources()
          Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource, or null if none.
 String[] getMultiRelatedResourceUrls()
          Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present
 Object[] getMultiResourceTypeLabels()
          Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
 String[] getMultiResourceTypes()
          Gets the resource types for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.
 Object[] getMultiSubjectLabels()
          Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
 String[] getMultiSubjects()
          Gets the subjects for this item and all additional items associated via the ID mapper.
 String getMultiTitle()
          Gets the concatinated title of all associated records for this item.
 String getMultiWhatsNewDate()
          Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record as a String, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it.
 Date getMultiWhatsNewDateDate()
          Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record (if it exists) as a Date, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it.
 String getMultiWhatsNewType()
          Gets the Whats New type for the multi-record (if it exists), which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.
 String getNumAnnoRatings()
          Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String.
 int getNumAnnoRatingsInt()
          Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.
 String getNumAudioAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumCompletedAnnos()
          Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumInProgressAnnos()
          Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumTextAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getNumVideoAnnosInProgress()
          Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.
 String getPartOfDRC()
          Gets the part-of-DRC status (true or false).
 String getReaderType()
          Gets the String 'ItemDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
 ResultDocList getRelatedResourceByIdDocs()
          Gets the relatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String[] getRelatedResourceIds()
          Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID, or null if none were present
 String[] getRelatedResourceUrls()
          Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL, or null if none were present
 Object[] getResourceTypeLabels()
          Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
 String[] getResourceTypes()
          Gets the resource types for this record, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.
 Object[] getSubjectLabels()
          Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
 String[] getSubjects()
          Gets the subjects for this record, for example 03, or 'DLESE:Biology' if no vocab manager is available.
 String[] getTeachingMethod()
          Gets the teachingMethod attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 ArrayList getTextAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.
 String getTitle()
          Gets the title of the item.
 String[] getToolFor()
          Gets the toolFor attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String[] getTypicalAgeRange()
          Gets the typicalAgeRange attribute of the ItemDocReader object
 String getUrl()
          Gets the URL for this resource.
 String getUrlEncoded()
          Gets the URL for this resource.
 String getUrlTruncated()
          Gets the URL for this resource, truncated if it is very long
 ArrayList getVideoAnnosInProgress()
          Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.
 boolean hasAnnotations()
          Determines whether this item has annotations.
 boolean hasCompletedAnno()
          Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.
 boolean hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String type)
          Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.
 boolean hasInProgressAnno()
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
 boolean hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String format)
          Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
 boolean hasMultiRelatedResource()
          Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource.
 boolean hasRelatedResource()
          Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type.
 void init()
          Initializes the ItemDocReader at search time.
 boolean isMultiRecord()
          Determines whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.
protected static void prtln(String s)
          Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
protected static void prtlnErr(String s)
          Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
Methods inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
getAssignedByIdRelatedRecordsMap, getAssignedByUrlRelatedRecordsMap, getAssignedRelatedIdsOfType, getAssignedRelatedUrlsOfType, getAssignedRelationshipByIdTypes, getAssignedRelationshipByUrlTypes, getAssignedRelationshipsForItemsMap, getAvailableFormats, getCanDissiminateFormat, getCollection, getCollectionKey, getCollectionKeys, getCollectionLabel, getCollections, getDocsource, getFieldId, getHasAssignedRelations, getHasRelations, getId, getIdEncoded, getIdsOfRecordsWithAssignedRelationships, getIndexedContent, getIsMyCollectionDisabled, getIsMyCollectionEnabled, getMetadataPrefix, getMetadataVocab, getMetadataVocabAudience, getMetadataVocabLanguage, getMyCollectionDoc, getMyCollectionsRecordId, getNativeFormat, getNsdlDublinCoreXml, getOaiDatestamp, getOaiDublinCoreXml, getOaiLastModifiedString, getOaiSets, getRelatedIdsOfType, getRelatedRecordsMap, getRelationshipTypes, getRequestedXml, getRequestedXmlFormat, getSet, getSets, getSetString, getUiLabelFromVocabId, getUiLabelFromVocabName, getUiLabelsFromVocabIds, getValidationReport, getValueId, getW3CXmlDoc, getWhatsNewDate, getWhatsNewDateDate, getWhatsNewType, getXml, getXmlDoc, getXmlFormat, getXmlLocalized, getXmlStripped, isValid, setMetadataVocabAudience, setMetadataVocabLanguage, setRequestedXmlFormat
Methods inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
fileExists, getDateFileWasIndexed, getDateFileWasIndexedString, getDateStamp, getDeleted, getDocDir, getDocsourceEncoded, getDoctype, getFile, getFileExists, getFileName, getFullContent, getFullContentEncodedAs, getLastModified, getLastModifiedAsUTC, getLastModifiedString, isDeleted, setDebug
Methods inherited from class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
doInit, getAttribute, getDocMap, getDocument, getIndex, getLazyDocMap, getQuery, getRepositoryManager, getScore, setDoc
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ItemDocReader()
Constructor for the ItemDocReader object


public ItemDocReader(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                     SimpleLuceneIndex index)
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a ItemFileIndexingWriter.

doc - A Lucene Document created by a ItemFileIndexingWriter.
index - The SimpleLuceneIndex in use
Method Detail


public void init()
Initializes the ItemDocReader at search time.

init in class XMLDocReader


protected org.apache.lucene.document.Document getMultiDoc()
Description copied from class: XMLDocReader
Gets the multiDoc lucene Document for this item, or the single doc, if none available. A multiDoc is a Document that holds data from multiple XML records that catalog/reference the same resource. This method is overridden by the sub classes that support it.

getMultiDoc in class XMLDocReader
The multiDoc value


public String getReaderType()
Gets the String 'ItemDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type. This may be used in (Struts) beans to determine which type of reader is available for a given search result and thus what data is available for display in the UI. The reader type determines which getter methods are available.

getReaderType in class XMLDocReader
The String 'ItemDocReader'.


public String getTitle()
Gets the title of the item.

getTitle in class XMLDocReader
The title value


public String[] getKeywords()
Gets the keywords as a sorted array. Duplicate keywords are ommitted.

The keywords


public String[] getMultiKeywords()
Gets the keywords for all associated records as a sorted array. Duplicate keywords are ommitted.

The keywords


public String getKeywordsDisplay()
Gets the keywords as a sorted comma separated list terminated with a period suitable for display to users. For example: ocean, rain, sea.

The keywords displayed suitable for users.


public String getMultiTitle()
Gets the concatinated title of all associated records for this item.

The concatinated title text.


public String getDescription()
Gets the description for this item.

getDescription in class XMLDocReader
The description value


public String getMultiDescription()
Gets the concatinated descriptions of all associated records for this item.

The multiDescription value


public String getMultiIds()
Gets the the concatinated IDs of all associated records for this item.

The multiIds value


public String getPartOfDRC()
Gets the part-of-DRC status (true or false).

The String "true" or "false".


public String getUrl()
Gets the URL for this resource.

getUrl in class XMLDocReader
The url value


public String getUrlEncoded()
Gets the URL for this resource.

The url value


public String getUrlTruncated()
Gets the URL for this resource, truncated if it is very long

The url value


public String getCollectionsString()
Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String. Same as Same as XMLDocReader.getSetString().

The collections.


public String getMultiWhatsNewType()
Gets the Whats New type for the multi-record (if it exists), which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.

The What's New type or empty String.


public String getMultiWhatsNewDate()
Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record as a String, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it. Note that this is the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user, instead of XMLDocReader.getWhatsNewDate().

The What's New date or empty String.


public Date getMultiWhatsNewDateDate()
Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record (if it exists) as a Date, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it. Note that this is the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user, instead of XMLDocReader.getWhatsNewDateDate().

The What's New date or null.


public String getCreationDate()
Gets the created date as a String. ADN XPath metaMetadata/dateInfo@created.

The created date or empty String.


public Date getCreationDateDate()
Gets the created date as a Java Date ADN XPath metaMetadata/dateInfo@created.

The created Date or null.


public String getMultiAccessionDate()
Gets the accession date for this muti-doc, as a date String, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it. Note that this is the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user, instead of getAccessionDate().

The accession date or empty String.


public Date getMultiAccessionDateDate()
Gets the accession date for this multi-doc as a Java Date, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it. Note that this is the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user, instead of getAccessionDateDate().

The accession Date or null.


public String getAccessionDate()
Gets the accession date as a String. Note that the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user is getMultiAccessionDate().

The accession date or empty String.


public Date getAccessionDateDate()
Gets the accession date as a Java Date. Note that the appropriate method to use when displaying this value to an end user is getMultiAccessionDateDate().

The accession Date or null.


public String getAccessionStatus()
Gets the AccessionStatus for this record.

The status value


public String getMultiAccessionStatus()
Gets the the concatinated accession statuses of all associated records for this item.

The status value


public String[] getBeneficiary()
Gets the beneficiary attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The beneficiary value


public String[] getToolFor()
Gets the toolFor attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The toolFor value


public String[] getInstructionalGoal()
Gets the instructionalGoal attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The instructionalGoal value


public String[] getTeachingMethod()
Gets the teachingMethod attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The teachingMethod value


public String[] getTypicalAgeRange()
Gets the typicalAgeRange attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The typicalAgeRange value


public String[] getGradeRanges()
Gets the grade ranges for this record, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.

The grade ranges


public String[] getMultiGradeRanges()
Gets the grade ranges for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.

The grade ranges as cataloged by all records for this resource


public Collection getGradeRangeLabels()
Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.gradeRangeLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

A Collection of grade range UI labels as cataloged for this record


public Collection getMultiGradeRangeLabels()
Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.multiGradeRangeLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

A Collection of grade range UI labels as cataloged by all records for this resource


public String[] getSubjects()
Gets the subjects for this record, for example 03, or 'DLESE:Biology' if no vocab manager is available.

The subjects


public String[] getMultiSubjects()
Gets the subjects for this item and all additional items associated via the ID mapper. Duplicats are ommitted.

The subjects value


public Object[] getSubjectLabels()
Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.subjectLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

An array of subject UI label strings as cataloged for this record, sorted alphabetically


public Object[] getMultiSubjectLabels()
Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.multiSubjectLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

An array of subject UI label Strings as cataloged by all records for this resource, sorted alphabetically


public String[] getContentStandards()
Gets the content standards for this record, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.

The content standards


public String[] getMultiContentStandards()
Gets the content standards for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.

The content standards


public Collection getContentStandardLabels()
Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.contentStandardLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

A Collection of content standard UI labels as cataloged for this record


public Collection getMultiContentStandardLabels()
Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog this resource, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.multiContentStandardLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

A Collection of content standard UI labels as cataloged by all records for this resource


public String[] getResourceTypes()
Gets the resource types for this record, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.

The resource types


public String[] getMultiResourceTypes()
Gets the resource types for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.

The resource types


public Object[] getResourceTypeLabels()
Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.resourceTypeLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

An array of resource type UI label Strings as cataloged by this record, sorted alphabetically.


public Object[] getMultiResourceTypeLabels()
Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically. To specify the vocab interface to use, first call #setVocabInterface(String), otherwise the default will be used, which is 'dds.descr.en-us'.

An example application using JSTL might look like:

   <%-- The following line is optional --%>
   <c:set property="vocabInterface" target="${docReader}" value="dds.descr.en-us"/>
   <c:forEach items="${docReader.multiResourceTypeLabels}" var="myVocabLabel">

An array of resource type UI label Strings as cataloged by all records for this resource, sorted alphabetically


public String getMultiRecordStatus()
Gets the value 'true' or 'false' depending on whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.

'true' if there are multiple records, 'false' if only one.


public boolean isMultiRecord()
Determines whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.

True if there are multiple records, false if only one.


public boolean hasAnnotations()
Determines whether this item has annotations.

hasAnnotations in class XMLDocReader
True if annotations are present, false otherwise.


public String[] getAnnoTypes()
Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.

getAnnoTypes in class XMLDocReader
The anno types value.


public ArrayList getAnnoPathways()
Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.

getAnnoPathways in class XMLDocReader
The list of anno pathway Strings


public ArrayList getAnnoStatus()
Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.

getAnnoStatus in class XMLDocReader
A list of anno status Strings


public ArrayList getAnnoFormats()
Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.

getAnnoFormats in class XMLDocReader
A list of anno formats Strings


public String[] getAnnoRatings()
Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none. Each rating represents a single annotation's star rating for this item.

getAnnoRatings in class XMLDocReader
An String array of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or null


public String getAverageAnnoRating()
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none. The rating is shown to three decimal points, for example '4.333' or '3.000'.

getAverageAnnoRating in class XMLDocReader
The average star rating to three decimal points as a String


public float getAverageAnnoRatingFloat()
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.

getAverageAnnoRatingFloat in class XMLDocReader
The average star rating or -1 if none


public String getNumAnnoRatings()
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String. The number is displayed to five digits, for example '00002' or '00000'.

getNumAnnoRatings in class XMLDocReader
The number of star ratings as a String


public int getNumAnnoRatingsInt()
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.

getNumAnnoRatingsInt in class XMLDocReader
The number of star ratings for this item


public String[] getAnnoCollectionKeys()
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.

getAnnoCollectionKeys in class XMLDocReader
The annoCollectionKeys value


public String[] getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys()
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.

getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys in class XMLDocReader
The completedAnnoCollectionKeys value


public ArrayList getAssociatedCollectionKeys()
Gets the collection keys for all enabled collections that are associated with this resource. Associated annotations such as CRS and JESSE that are identified as collections are included. Disabled collections are not included.

A list of associatedCollectionKeys Strings


public String[] getAllAssociatedCollectionKeys()
Gets the collection keys for all collections that are associated with this resource including collections that are not enabled.

The associatedCollectionKeys value


public String[] getAssociatedIds()
Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.

getAssociatedIds in class XMLDocReader
The associated IDs value.


public String[] getAllIds()
Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.

getAllIds in class XMLDocReader
The allIds value


public String[] getErrorTypes()
Gets the errors types (codes) identified by the ID mapper for this records. Returns integers as strings.

The ID mapper error types (codes).


public String[] getErrorStrings()
Gets the errors identified by the ID mapper for this records.

The ID mapper errors.


public ResultDocList getAllItemResultDocs()
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all records that refer to this resource. The first record is this item. This returns the full ResultDoc for each item, not the de-duped ResultDocs.

All records that refer to this resource.


public ResultDocList getDeDupedResultDocs()
Gets the de-duped ResultDocs for all records that refer to this resource from the dup items index, or null if this is not a duped record. These are sorted if a sort was specified in the ResultDoc attributes via key 'sortAscendingByField' or 'sortDescendingByField'. See also getAllItemResultDocs().

All de-duped ResultDocs for this resource.
See Also:


public ResultDocList getAssociatedItemResultDocs()
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items for this item (refer to same resource).

The associatedItemDocReaders value


public ResultDocList getDisplayableAssociatedItemResultDocs()
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items (refer to same resource) for this item that have an appropriate status for display in discovery.

The displayableAssociatedItemDocReaders value


public ArrayList getMissingAssociatedItemIds()
Gets the missingAssociatedItemIds for associated items that are not in the index.

A list of missingAssociatedItemIds Strings


public boolean hasRelatedResource()
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type. If the related resource is an ID, checks to see that the ID is currently available in the repository.

True if this item has one or more related resources of any type, else false.


public boolean hasMultiRelatedResource()
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource. If the related resource is an ID, checks to see that the ID is currently available in the repository.

True if this item has one or more related resources of any type, else false.


public String getHasRelatedResource()
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type.

'true' if this item has one or more related resources of any type, else 'false'.


public String getMultiHasRelatedResource()
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource.

'true' if this item has one or more related resources of any type, else 'false'.


public String[] getRelatedResourceIds()
Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID, or null if none were present

The relatedResourceIds


public String[] getMultiRelatedResourceIds()
Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present.

The relatedResourceIds


public ResultDocList getRelatedResourceByIdDocs()
Gets the relatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The relatedResourceByIdDocs value


public ResultDocList getMultiRelatedResourceByIdDocs()
Gets the multiRelatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object

The multiRelatedResourceByIdDocs value


public List getMultiRelatedResources()
Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource, or null if none.

A List of RelatedResource Objects, or null


public List getMultiDisplayableRelatedResources()
Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource that have an appropriate status for display in discovery, or null if none.

A List of RelatedResource Objects, or null


public String[] getRelatedResourceUrls()
Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL, or null if none were present

The relatedResourceUrls


public String[] getMultiRelatedResourceUrls()
Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present

The relatedResourceUrls


public ResultDocList getAnnotationResultDocs()
Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.

getAnnotationResultDocs in class XMLDocReader
The ResultDocs value


public boolean hasCompletedAnno()
Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.

hasCompletedAnno in class XMLDocReader
True if this item has one or more completed annotation, false otherwise.


public String getHasCompletedAnno()
Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getHasCompletedAnno in class XMLDocReader
The hasCompletedAnno value


public String getNumCompletedAnnos()
Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getNumCompletedAnnos in class XMLDocReader
The numCompletedAnnos value


public String getNumInProgressAnnos()
Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getNumInProgressAnnos in class XMLDocReader
The numInProgressAnnos value


public String getNumTextAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getNumTextAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
The numTextAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumAudioAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getNumAudioAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
The numAudioAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object

getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
The numGraphicalAnnosInProgress value


public String getNumVideoAnnosInProgress()
Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.

getNumVideoAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
The number of video format annotations


public boolean hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String type)
Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.

hasCompletedAnnoOfType in class XMLDocReader
type - The annotation type
True if this item has a completed annotataion of the given type.


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnosOfType(String type)
Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.

getCompletedAnnosOfType in class XMLDocReader
type - The annotation type, for example 'Review', 'Teaching tip', etc.
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders for all completed annotataions for this item of the given type, or an empty list.


public String getHasInProgressAnno()
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.

getHasInProgressAnno in class XMLDocReader
'true' if the item has an annotation in progress, otherwise 'false'.


public boolean hasInProgressAnno()
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.

hasInProgressAnno in class XMLDocReader
True if the item has an annotation in progress, otherwise false.


public boolean hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String format)
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.

hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat in class XMLDocReader
format - Annotation format
True if the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, otherwise false.


public ArrayList getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String format)
Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.

getInProgressAnnosOfFormat in class XMLDocReader
format - Annotation format
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders


public ArrayList getTextAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.

getTextAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getAudioAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.

getAudioAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders


public ArrayList getGraphicalAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.

getGraphicalAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getVideoAnnosInProgress()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.

getVideoAnnosInProgress in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnos()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.

getCompletedAnnos in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedReviews()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedReviews in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedTeachingTips()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedTeachingTips in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedEditorSummaries()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedEditorSummaries in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedChallengingSituations()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedChallengingSituations in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAverageScores()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedAverageScores in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAdvice()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedAdvice in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedAnnotation()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedAnnotation in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedBias()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedBias in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedChange()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedChange in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedComment()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedComment in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedEducationalStandard()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedEducationalStandard in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedExample()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedExample in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedExplanation()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedExplanation in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedQuestion()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedQuestion in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


public ArrayList getCompletedSeeAlso()
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.

getCompletedSeeAlso in class XMLDocReader
A list of DleseAnnoDocReaders or empty list


protected static void prtlnErr(String s)
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.

s - The text that will be output to error out.


protected static void prtln(String s)
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.

s - The String that will be output.
