
Package org.dlese.dpc.index.writer

Interface Summary
DocWriter Abstract class for creating a typed Lucene Document.
FileIndexingPlugin This Interface provides a mechanism for adding custom fields to Lucene index Documents that are being created for a given file.

Class Summary
ADNFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from an ADN-item metadata source file.
DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin A FileIndexingPlugin that indexes meta-metadata about items (educational resources) in the index.
DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter Creates a Lucene Documents for a DLESE annotation record.
DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter Used to write a Lucene Document for a DLESE Collection XML record.
DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.CollectionAccessionStatusComparator Allows sorting of a Collection accession status XML Node, by date giving precedence to status = accessioned if dates are equal.
DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from a DLESE-IMS XML source file.
ErrorFileIndexingWriter Writes a Lucene Document that represents an error that has occured in in indexing a File.
FileIndexingServiceWriter Abstract class for creating customized Lucene Documents for different file formats such as DLESE-IMS, ADN-item, ADN-collection, etc.
HarvestLogWriter Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a harvest.
IndexingTools Tools to aid in indexing.
ItemFileIndexingWriter Abstract class for writing a Lucene Document for a collection of item-level metadata records of a specific format (DLESE IMS, ADN-Item, ADN-Collection, etc).
NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter Used to write a Lucene Document for a NCS Collection XML record.
NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter Used to write a Lucene Document for a DLESE news-opps XML record.
ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin This abstract class implements FileIndexingPlugin to provide access to the ServletContext during the indexing process.
SimpleFileIndexingPlugin A FileIndexingPlugin example that indexes a single field with a single value.
SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter This is the default writer for generic XML formats.
WebLogEntryWriter Writes a Lucene Document for data in a single web log entry.
WebLogWriter Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a client request to an HTTP servlet.
XMLFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from any XML file by stripping the XML tags to extract and index the content.
XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory Factory used to create the XmlFileIndexingWriter appropriate for handling a given XML format.

Exception Summary
ErrorDocException Exception that may be used to pass text and keywords to be written to the index by the ErrorFileIndexingWriter if an error occurs during indexing.
