
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit

Class Summary
ActionServlet ActionServlet
BadCharChecker Checks XML documents for presence of bad characters and builds a list of BadCharEntries containing the element xpath and value containing the bad char.
Constants Schemedit Constants
DocContentMap Utilities for comparing metadata records for content-based equality (rather than structural equality).
FrameworkRegistry A map holding MetaDataFramework instances, and keyed by the short name (e.g., "adn") of each particular framework.
JspFunctions Provides functionality used by jsp function calls.
MetaDataFramework Encapsulates information about a metadata framework in support of creating, displaying, editing and managing metadata records.
PageList Manages information about the editor pages in support of SchemaEdit.
Record Bean for displaying an index of metadata records in the StandAlone metadata editor (see StandAloneSchemEditAction).
RecordList Class to manage a list of records (e.g.
RequestProcessor My first cut at a RequestProcessor.
SchemEditServlet Servlet responsible for initializing widely-used classes and placing them into the servlet context as attributes.
SchemEditUtils Utility methods for SchemEdit
SearchHelper Class to perform searches and cache the results as well as the query and sort information.
SessionBean A Session-scoped Bean for information that needs to be available to different controllers and their jsp pages.
SessionBean.IdComparator Implements Comparator to enable sorting by session id.
SessionBean.IdleTimeComparator Implements Comparator to enable sorting SessionBeans by their sessions idle time
SessionRegistry Maintains a registry of sessions and also manages record locking.
SetupServlet Servlet responsible for initializing the schemedit environment, such as the Framework and CollectionRegistries, that do not require access to the index or vocabManager.
SortRecsByLastMod Comparator for sorting Record instances in the StandAlone configuration metadata editor.
WorkFlowServices Listens for StatusChanged events generated by DcsDataManager via DcsDataRecord.updateStatus.

Exception Summary
MissingLockException Simply wraps Exception.
