
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action

Class Summary
AbstractSchemEditAction Abstract controller for Metadata Editors.
BatchOperationsAction A Struts Action controlling batch record operations, such as batchDelete, batchStatusUpdate, and batchMove.
CollectionConfigAction Controller for the Collection Settings editor.
CollectionServicesAction A Struts Action controlling several collection-level operations, including creation, export, validation, and deletion.
CreateADNRecordAction A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of ADN records in the DCS.
CreateMastRecordAction A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of records for the "mast" framework, including iteraction with "metaextract" service to populate record fields.
CreateRecordAction A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of metadata records for frameworks that require an initial data-entry screen before entering the metadata editor.
DCSAction Base Action class that sets up access to global structures as instance variables.
DCSAdminAction Implementation of Action that handles administration of a metadata repository.
DCSBrowseAction A Struts Action for handling query requests for browsing a collection in the DCS.
DCSQueryAction A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DCSSchemEditAction Controller for the Metdata Editor that handles Indexed records rather than reading and writing records directly to disk.
DCSViewAction A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
FrameworkAdminAction Controller for the ADN Editor
FrameworkConfigAction Controller for the DcsDataFramework editor.
RecordOperationsAction A Struts Action for handling operations on single records, such as Copy, Delete, Move, and New.
SchemEditAdminAction Controller for the ADN Editor
SessionInfoAction Action supporting asynchronous exchange of information between UI and session, e.g., saving "collectionFilter" information that stored in the sessionBean and therefore accessible to any jsp page.
SessionsAction Action supporting session reporting.
StandAloneSchemEditAction Metadata Editor controller for xml records to be created and edited in a particular disk directory rather than reading and writing to a indexed repository.
StaticRecordAction A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
StatusAction A Struts Action controlling interaction during editing of workflow status information asociated with individual metadata records.
UcasProxyAction Controller for proxing the UCAS PeopleDB REST service.
