
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform

Class Summary
AutoForm Class to automatically generate jsp pages (using a Renderer class such as DleseEditorRenderer) for editing and viewing of schemedit-based xml documents.
ComplexTypeLabel Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
DcsViewRecord Displays an XML metadata record using the ViewerRenderer.
DleseEditorRenderer Renders JSP for DLESE metadata frameworks, adding functionality for choosing from suggested standards, and other dlese-specific input objects, including: Rendering multiBox elements using either Fields File, MUI groups, or StandardsManager (for suggestion service) Rendering repeating elements as MdeStdNode if element has been configured to use standards manager Rendering of textInput elements as textAreas for configured elements of "concepts" and "fields_files" frameworks idiosyncratic rendering of xsd:string elements for certain fields in "adn" and "dlese_anno" frameworks
EditorRenderer Renders JSP for metadata editing with controls for adding new elements or deleting optional elements as well as for collapsible elements.
EditorViewerRenderer Renders JSP for viewing (rather than editing) XML documents in the MetaData Editor.
EditorViewRecord Supports creation of jsp to view (as opposed to edit) an entire MetaDataRecord within the metadata editor.
Label Basic Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
MathPathEditorRenderer Includes math_path-specific kludges, most notably the /record/general/subjects field, which requires an editing approach OTHER than than implied by the schema ...
Msp2EditorRenderer Includes msp2-specific kludges, most notably the /record/general/subjects field, which requires an editing approach OTHER than than implied by the schema ...
Renderer Abstract class for rendering an editor for a SchemaNode (an Element or Attribute defined in an XML Schema).
RendererHelper Manages global rhelper information for a Renderer Instance as well as providing a renderer factory for instantiating new renderer objects.
RendererImpl Concrete class for rendering a JSP-based representation of a SchemaNode (an Element or Attribute defined in an XML Schema).
ResQualEditorRenderer Includes res_qual-specific kludges ...
SIFEditorRenderer Renders JSP for SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework) metadata frameworks, adding functionality for selecting from SIF objects, and other sif-specific input objects.
SimpleTypeLabel Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
ViewerRenderer Renders JSP for viewing metadata records within the DCS (as opposed to within a metadata editor).

Exception Summary
AutoFormException Simply wraps Exception.
