
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde

Class Summary
MdeAny Renders an ANY node.
MdeAttribute Renders Attributes in the Metadata Editor .
MdeChoice Render a simple Choice compositor.
MdeComplexType Renders JSP for metadata editing but is "Simple" in the sense that it provides no control for adding new elements or deleting optional elements.
MdeDerivedContentModel Renders JSP for a Derived Content Model, which uses the "ComplexContent" schema element to "extend" or "restrict" an existing ComplexType.
MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel Class responsible for rendering a Text-only content model, which is a complexType that uses a simpleContent element.
MdeModelGroup Renders JSP for metadata editing but is "Simple" in the sense that it provides no control for adding new elements or deleting optional elements.
MdeMultiChoice Renders editing fields for a Choice compositor with multiple occurances.
MdeNode Base class for rendering the document structure ("nodes") in the Metadata Editor.
MdeRepeatingAnyType Render MetadataEditor inputs for repeating AnyType nodes.
MdeRepeatingComplexType Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingNode Abstract base class for renderning MetadataEditor fields for a repeating node.
MdeRepeatingSequence Renders JSP for editing and displaying repeating Sequences in the metadata editor.
MdeRepeatingSimpleType Render MetadataEditor inputs for all SimpleType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup Renders JSP for Repeating Substitution Group elements for the metadata editor.
MdeSequence Renders JSP for Sequence compositors in the metadata editor.
MdeSimpleType Renders JSP for SimpleType schema elements in the metadata editor.
MdeStdsNode Renders JSP for nodes that are controlled by Standards Manager (in conjuction with suggestion service).
