Class Summary |
FieldFilesCheck |
Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files
exist within the given metadata framework. |
FieldInfoMap |
Data structure mapping xpaths to FieldInfoReader instances. |
FieldInfoReader |
Provides access to infomormation (beyond that expressed in the metadata
schema) about a metadata field, such as cataloging best practices and
definitions of controlled vocabulary. |
FieldInfoWriter |
Class to generate fields files for given framework. |
NewFieldInfoMap |
Populates the a fieldInfoMap by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending
in "fields-list.xml"). |
OldFieldInfoMap |
Populates a by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending
in "filename-list.xml"). |
SchemaToFieldsFiles |
EXPIREMENTAL - Class to extract definitions from framework schemas and
populate "fields_files" |
SIFFieldInfoWriter |
Class to generate fields files for given framework. |
SortTermAndDeftns |
Comparator to sort Records in reverse order of their creation date |
TermAndDeftn |
Encapsulates the semantics of the TermAndDeftn element of FieldInfo files,
which defines a term/definition relationship for controlled vocabulary items
in a Fields file. |