
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards

Interface Summary
CATHelperPlugin Interface for framework-specific plugins to the CATServiceHelper
StandardsDocument Interface for classes representing an educational standard (e.g., an ASN Standard Document) as a heirarchy of standards nodes in support of display and selection in the metadata editor.
StandardsManager Manages information about a standards document in the context of a SuggestionServiceHelper.
StandardsNode Node in a hierarchical structure of content standards, used to display standards using mui-oriented commands and therefore modeled after the VocabNode interface.
SuggestionServiceHelper Run-time support for handling interaction with user in the context of content standard assignment aided by a suggestionService (e.g., CAT).

Class Summary
AbstractCATHelperPlugin Abstract class for framework-specific plugins to the CATServiceHelper
CATServiceHelper Run-time support for CAT suggestion service, which acts as intermediary between CAT Service client and Form bean/JSP pages.
StandardsRegistry Class to manage potentially many ASN standards documents, refered to using AsnDocKey instances.
TreeCache Cashe of AsnStandardsDocuments.
