
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository

Interface Summary
RepositoryEventListenerInterface Provides an interface for Objects listening to a Repository events source.
RepositoryWriterPlugin Methods to create, copy, and put Records to the Repository

Class Summary
CollectionIndexingObserver RepositoryIndexingObsever initializes IDGenerators for each collection after reindexing the entire repository (all collections).
CollectionReaper Deletes a collections by moving metadata records to a "baseTrashDir" directory.
RepositoryEvent Event indicating that a repository event occurred, exposes an event name (e.g., 'recordMoved') as well eventData in the form of a map.
RepositoryEventListener A Simple, servletContext-aware, listener for RepositoryEvents that prints event info to the log
RepositoryIndexingObserver RepositoryIndexingObsever initializes IDGenerators for each collection after reindexing the entire repository (all collections).
RepositoryService Methods to wrap the RepositoryManager class and provide other methods and services over the repository.
RepositoryWriter The class includes methods to create, copy, and put Records to the main Repository, and RepositoryWriterPlugins if so configured.
ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin This abstract class implements RepositoryWriterPlugin to provide access to the ServletContext during the indexing process.
SmileEventListener RepositoryEventListener that provides Smile specific handlers for some events.

Exception Summary
RepositoryWriterPluginException Indicates a problem occured when attempting to interact with a RepositoryWriterPlugin.
