
Class LdapClient

  extended by org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LdapClient
extends Object

Handles all LDAP communications for DLESE applications.


For info on the properties file, see the LdapClient constructor.
For info on required and optional attributes, see addUserEntry.
For info on search filter syntax and semantics, see searchDn.

Caution: The properties file contains an unencrypted administrator password. The file must not be readable by outsiders!


To make list names more practical and intuitive, there is a hierarchical system of list names layered over LDAP's messy syntax. So, for example, the list name
is translated by this LDAP interface to the LDAP dn (distinguished name):

All list names must start with either "lists/" or "groups/". They may have as many levels as desired. Contrary to standard LDAP, this interface constructs intermediate levels for list entrys as needed. So if you create a list
the intermediate LDAP entries are created if needed:

Currently this interface does not remove unused intermediate entries. So, for example, if you remove the list
the intermediate LDAP entries are not removed:
If need be, they may be removed using the ldapmodify shell command, which is part of standard OpenLDAP.

All lists starting with "lists/open/" have open enrollment, meaning users can self-register and self-remove. All other lists can be changed only by the list owner or an admin.

Example: lists/open/hydrology
Corresponding LDAP dn: DLESElistName=hydrology,DLESEsetName=open,DLESEou=lists,dc=dlese,dc=org
Meaning: Hydrology interest group; open enrollment

Example: lists/committees/steering/voting
Corresponding Ldap dn: DLESElistName=voting,DLESEsetName=steering,DLESEsetName=committees,DLESEou=lists,dc=dlese,dc=org
Meaning: Voting members of the steering committee; controlled enrollment

Example: groups/dpc/cataloguers/experienced
Corresponding Ldap dn: DLESElistName=experienced,DLESEsetName=cataloguers,DLESEsetName=dpc,DLESEou=groups,dc=dlese,dc=org
Meaning: Experienced DPC cataloguers; controlled enrollment

Summary of Primary API Methods

Many methods come in two flavors. One flavor is called with a UID and password, which are used for authentication. The other flavor is called without UID and password, and uses the admin UID: it should always authenticate successfully.

Flavors Method Desc
People entries:
admin userAuthenticates: Test: does a user authenticate
admin addUserEntry: Creates a new user entry
admin removeUserEntry: Removes a user entry
admin userExists: Tests if a user entry exists
user, admin getUserAttributes: Gets attributes for 1 user entry
user, admin getSingleAttribute: Gets 1 attribute for 1 user entry
user, admin setUserAttribute: Sets/replaces 1 attribute and all it's values
user, admin addUserAttributeValue: Adds a new value for an attribute
user, admin removeUserAttributeValue: Removes a value for an attribute
Object entries:
user getUserObject: Retrieves a java object
user storeUserObject: Stores a java object associated with a user
user removeUserObject: Removes a java object associated with a user
admin createList: Creates a new list
admin removeEntireList: Removes an entire list
user addListName: Adds a name to a list
user removeListName: Removes a name from a list
user, admin getListAttributes: Gets attributes of all members of a list
user, admin getListMembers: Gets dns of all members of a list
user, admin getListNames: Gets UIDs of all members of a list
All entries:
user, admin search: Searches all entries using the specified filter

Groups of methods

The methods are divided into four groups:

Typical usage

Typical usage is shown below. For a more complete example, see LdapDemo.
 void testDemoClient(
     String propsFile)       // Name of properties file
 throws LdapException
     LdapClient democlient = new LdapClient( propsFile);
     try { democlient.isAlive(); }
     catch( LdapException lex) {
            "\nDemoClient: isAlive says there's trouble: " + lex);
         throw lex;
     LdapEntry[] entries = democlient.search(
         null,               // base = null: start at top of DB tree
         "objectclass=*",    // filter: find all entries
         null,               // attrNames = null: return all attributes
         0);                 // maxres = 0 implies return all results
     if (entries == null) System.out.println("\nDemoClient: No entries found");
     else {
         System.out.println("\nDemoClient: num entries found: "
             + entries.length);
         // For each returned entry:
         for (int ii = 0; ii < entries.length; ii++) {
             System.out.println("\nEntry " + ii + " dn: "
                 + entries[ii].getDn());
             // For each attribute of the entry:
             for (int jj = 0; jj < entries[ii].getAttrsRows(); jj++) {
                 System.out.print("  Attribute: "
                     + entries[ii].getAttrName( jj) + "  Values:");
                 String[] valueStrings = entries[ii].getAttrStrings(jj);
                 // For each value of the attribute:
                 for (int kk = 0; kk < valueStrings.length; kk++) {
                     System.out.print("  \""
                         + valueStrings[kk] + "\"");
                 } // end for kk
             } // end for jj
         } // end for ii
     } // if entries != null
 } // end testDemoClient


Field Summary
protected  Properties props
Constructor Summary
LdapClient(String pfile)
          Creates a client using the info in the specified properties file.
Method Summary
 void addAttributeValueDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn, String attrName, String value)
          Low level method: adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void addEntryDn(String authDn, String password, String newDn, String[][] attrStgs)
          Low level method: adds a new LDAP entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void addListName(String authName, String password, String listName, String userName)
          Adds a single "DLESElistMember" name to the specified list.
 void addUserAttributeValue(String subjectName, String attrName, String value)
          Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void addUserAttributeValue(String authName, String password, String subjectName, String attrName, String value)
          Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 void addUserEntry(String newName, String[][] attrStgs)
          Adds a new LDAP entry for a user, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void createList(String listName, String ownerName)
          Creates an empty list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization, and adds the owner as a DLESElistMember of the list.
 LdapEntry getAttributesDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn, String[] attrNames)
          Low level method: Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry[] getListAttributes(String listName, String[] attrNames)
          Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry[] getListAttributes(String authName, String password, String listName, String[] attrNames)
          Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 String[] getListMembers(String listName)
          Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 String[] getListMembers(String authName, String password, String listName)
          Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 String[] getListMembersDn(String authDn, String password, String listDn)
          Low level: Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
 String[] getListNames(String listName)
          Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
 String[] getListNames(String authName, String password, String listName)
          Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
 Object getObjectDn(String authDn, String password, String objectDn)
          Low level method: Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
protected  String getProperty(String propName, Properties props, String pfile)
          Returns the desired property value; throws an LdapException if not found.
 String[] getSingleAttribute(String subjectName, String attrName)
          Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 String[] getSingleAttribute(String authName, String password, String subjectName, String attrName)
          Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 String[] getSingleAttributeDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn, String attrName)
          Low level method: Returns the values associated with a single attribute of a single entry, or null if no values exist.
 LdapEntry getUserAttributes(String subjectName, String[] attrNames)
          Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry getUserAttributes(String authName, String password, String subjectName, String[] attrNames)
          Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 Object getUserObject(String authName, String password, String userName, String objectName)
          Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry getUserObjectAttributes(String authName, String password, String userName, String objectName, String[] attrNames)
          Deprecated: Retrieves the attributes associated with a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 Date getUtcCreateTimestamp(String subjectName)
          Returns the UTC (GMT) time of creation for a given entry.
 Date getUtcModifyTimestamp(String subjectName)
          Returns the UTC (GMT) time of last modification for a given entry.
 void isAlive()
          Tests to see if the server, adminDn, and adminPswd specified in the properties file are actually working.
protected  String mkUserDn(String userName)
          Given a UID, returns the corresponding full dn (distinguished name).
 void removeAttributeValueDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn, String attrName, String value)
          Low level method: removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void removeEntireList(String listName)
          Removes a list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void removeEntryDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn)
          Low level method: removes an entry from the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void removeListName(String authName, String password, String listName, String userName)
          Removes a single "DLESElistMember" name from the specified list.
 void removeUserAttributeValue(String subjectName, String attrName, String value)
          Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void removeUserAttributeValue(String authName, String password, String subjectName, String attrName, String value)
          Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 void removeUserEntry(String subjectName)
          Removes an entry from the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void removeUserObject(String authName, String password, String userName, String objectName)
          Removes a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 void renameEntryDn(String authDn, String password, String oldDn, String newDn)
          Deprecated: Low level method: renames an entry in the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void renameUserEntry(String oldName, String newName)
          Deprecated: Renames an user entry in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry[] search(String base, String filter, String[] attrNames, int maxres)
          Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry[] search(String authName, String password, String base, String filter, String[] attrNames, int maxres)
          Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 LdapEntry[] searchDn(String authDn, String password, String specBase, String filter, String[] attrNames, int maxres)
          Low level method: searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void setAttributeDn(String authDn, String password, String subjectDn, String attrName, String[] values)
          Low level method: sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void setUserAttribute(String subjectName, String attrName, String[] values)
          Sets the value of a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
 void setUserAttribute(String authName, String password, String subjectName, String attrName, String[] values)
          Sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 void storeObjectDn(String authDn, String password, String curDn, String[][] attrStgs, Object obj)
          Low level method: stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
 void storeUserObject(String authName, String password, String userName, String objectName, Object obj)
          Stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
 boolean userAuthenticates(String subjectName, String password)
          Returns true if the subjectName/password pair authenticates successfully; false otherwise.
 boolean userExists(String subjectName)
          Tests to see if a user entry exists in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Properties props
Constructor Detail


public LdapClient(String pfile)
           throws LdapException
Creates a client using the info in the specified properties file.

Caution: The properties file contains an unencrypted administrator password. The file must not be readable by outsiders!

Properties file fields:

Field Meaning
hostUrl URL of the LDAP server
dnbase The suffix of the dn (distinguished names) for all entries in the LDAP database
adminDn The full dn (distinguished name) of the administrator for this DLESE subgroup
adminPswd The unencrypted password for the adminDn

Sample properties file:

       hostUrl    ldap://localhost:3890
       dnbase     dc=dlese,dc=org
       adminDn    DLESEloginName=jsmith,DLESEou=people,dc=dlese,dc=org
       adminPswd  someSecret

Method Detail


public void isAlive()
             throws LdapException
Tests to see if the server, adminDn, and adminPswd specified in the properties file are actually working.



public Date getUtcCreateTimestamp(String subjectName)
                           throws LdapException
Returns the UTC (GMT) time of creation for a given entry.

subjectName - the uid about which info is requested


public Date getUtcModifyTimestamp(String subjectName)
                           throws LdapException
Returns the UTC (GMT) time of last modification for a given entry.

subjectName - the uid about which info is requested


public boolean userAuthenticates(String subjectName,
                                 String password)
                          throws LdapException
Returns true if the subjectName/password pair authenticates successfully; false otherwise.

subjectName - the uid about which info is requested
password - the password associated with subjectName


public String[] getSingleAttribute(String authName,
                                   String password,
                                   String subjectName,
                                   String attrName)
                            throws LdapException
Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See getSingleAttributeDn. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid about which info is requested
attrName - is the name of the desired attribute.
An array of the attribute values, or null if the attribute is not found. The returned values may be in any order.


public String[] getSingleAttribute(String subjectName,
                                   String attrName)
                            throws LdapException
Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization. See getSingleAttributeDn. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

subjectName - the uid about which info is requested
attrName - is the name of the desired attribute.
An array of the attribute values, or null if the attribute is not found. The returned values may be in any order.


public String[] getSingleAttributeDn(String authDn,
                                     String password,
                                     String subjectDn,
                                     String attrName)
                              throws LdapException
Low level method: Returns the values associated with a single attribute of a single entry, or null if no values exist.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn about which info is requested
attrName - is the name of the desired attribute.
An array of the attribute values, or null if the attribute is not found. The returned values may be in any order.


public LdapEntry getUserAttributes(String authName,
                                   String password,
                                   String subjectName,
                                   String[] attrNames)
                            throws LdapException
Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See getAttributesDn. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid about which info is requested
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.
An LdapEntry representing one returned entry. Throws LdapNotFoundException if entry not found. If attrNames was specified, the LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order.

If attrNames is null, the LdapEntry contains all available attributes for the entry, sorted by attribute name.



public LdapEntry getUserAttributes(String subjectName,
                                   String[] attrNames)
                            throws LdapException
Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization. See getAttributesDn.

subjectName - the uid about which info is requested
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.
An LdapEntry representing one returned entry. Throws LdapNotFoundException if entry not found. If attrNames was specified, the LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order.

If attrNames is null, the LdapEntry contains all available attributes for the entry, sorted by attribute name.



public LdapEntry getAttributesDn(String authDn,
                                 String password,
                                 String subjectDn,
                                 String[] attrNames)
                          throws LdapException
Low level method: Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn about which info is requested
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.
An LdapEntry representing one returned entry. Throws LdapNotFoundException if entry not found. If attrNames was specified, the LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order.

If attrNames is null, the LdapEntry contains all available attributes for the entry, sorted by attribute name.



public LdapEntry[] search(String authName,
                          String password,
                          String base,
                          String filter,
                          String[] attrNames,
                          int maxres)
                   throws LdapException
Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See searchDn for details. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
base - The starting dn of the search. If null or "", start at top.
filter - The search phrase. See associated notes on filter syntax.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If attrNames is non-null, each LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order. If attrNames == null, all available attributes are returned for each entry, sorted by attribute name.
maxres - the maximum number of LDAP entries to return. If maxres <= 0, all matching entries are returned.


public LdapEntry[] search(String base,
                          String filter,
                          String[] attrNames,
                          int maxres)
                   throws LdapException
Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization. See searchDn for details. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
base - The starting dn of the search. If null or "", start at top.
filter - The search phrase.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned If null, all available attributes are returned.
maxres - the maximum number of LDAP entries to return. If maxres <= 0, all matching entries are returned.


public LdapEntry[] searchDn(String authDn,
                            String password,
                            String specBase,
                            String filter,
                            String[] attrNames,
                            int maxres)
                     throws LdapException
Low level method: searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization. See addUserEntry for doc on the attribute names.

Filter syntax

Filter syntax is described in RFC 2254 and associated RFCs. The attributes contained in the various DLESE entry types are specified in the OpenLDAP configuration file, "slapd.conf", and in the OpenLDAP schema files. Here is a summary of the syntax.

Filter character set

The character set used in filters is the UTF-8 encoding of ISO 10646 (Unicode): see www.unicode.org/. Any character in the character set may be represented by a backslash with two hex chars. For example, the asterisk * could also be written \2A.

Filter items

A filter expression is composed of items. An item is a single comparison, of the form:      ( attributeName=value )
The simplest filter is a single item, like:
This filter matches all entries having a surname (sn) of smith. Most searches are case insensitive, so this would find surnames like "Smith", "SmiTH", "smith", etc.

Some attributes are optional. To find all entries in which an attribute exists, even if it has a blank value, use a filter item like:
This finds all entries having a labeledURI (used to specify a URL).

The "*" acts much like a shell wildcard, so to find all entries having a labeledURI that uses http and involves dlese, one could use:

Filter expressions

Boolean expressions may be build up from items using the idiotic "prefix notation" specified by RFC 2254. I guess they didn't feel like writing a real expression parser. For example, to find all entries having givenName = "sally" and surname = "smith" and phone with a "303" area code, one could use:
     (& (givenName=sally) (sn=smith) (telephoneNumber=303*) )
That is, the "&" operator precedes all its operands.

Quotes in filters

Quotes within filters are not used. In some cases they happen to work, but in general they do not. So the following two filters appear to work identically, although only the first is correct.
     (cn=sally smith) OK
     (cn="sally smith") Incorrect

Filter operators and symbols

The exact meaning of the comparison operators "=", "~=", ">=", "<=" are defined in the attribute's definition. For example, attributeType "sn" (a surname) is defined in the OpenLDAP schema file "core.schema". There "sn" inherits the syntax of attributeType "name". The definition of "name" specifies "EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch", meaning that comparisons are case insensitive.

Incredibly, RFC 2254 defines no operators for "<" and ">".

Operator or symbol Meaning
=Test equality, according to the attribute definition
Example:    (sn=smith)
Notes: Matches all entries having an sn of "smith", or a case-changed variant thereof. Usually case insensitive.
=~Test approximate equality, according to the attribute definition
Example:    (sn=~smith)
Notes: seldom used
<=Test less than or equal, according to the attribute definition
Example:    (numWidgets<=33)
Notes: seldom used
>=Test greater than or equal, according to the attribute definition
Example:    (numWidgets>=33)
Notes: seldom used
*Wildcard: 0 or more chars
Example:    (sn=*smith*)
Notes: matches all entries having sn that contains "smith" in any case: "Smithsonian", "Arrowsmith", "blacksmIThing", etc.
Example:    (sn=*)
Notes: matches all entries having an "sn" attribute
Example:    (objectclass=*)
Notes: matches all entries in the LDAP database, since all entries must have an "objectclass" attribute
&Logical and
Example:    (& (sn=smith) (givenName=Sally))
Notes: Matches all entries having both sn=smith and givenName=Sally
Caution: uses idiotic prefix notation: (& item1 item2 item3 ... )
|Logical or
Example:    (| (sn=smith) (givenName=Sally))
Notes: Matches all entries having either sn=smith or givenName=Sally
Caution: uses idiotic prefix notation: (| item1 item2 item3 ... )
!Logical negation
Example:    (! (sn=*smith*))
Notes: Matches all entries that don't contain the string "smith" or a case-changed variant thereof.
\Escape character
Example:    (cn=stars \2A for sale)
Notes: Matches all entries having cn="stars * for sale". Example:    (cn=parens \28\29 for sale)
Notes: Matches all entries having cn="parens () for sale". Example:    (cn=*\A9*)
Notes: Matches all entries with cn containing a copyright symbol.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
specBase - The starting dn of the search. If null or "", start at top.
filter - The search phrase.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned If null, all available attributes are returned.
maxres - the maximum number of LDAP entries to return. If maxres <= 0, all matching entries are returned.
An array of LdapEntry. Each LdapEntry represents one returned entry. If attrNames was specified, each LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order.

If attrNames is null, ALL available attributes are returned for each entry. In this case:

  • Caution: The entries may have different numbers of attribute names.
  • Caution: Within an entry, the attributes may have different numbers of values.
  • The attribute names within each entry are sorted independently.


public void setUserAttribute(String authName,
                             String password,
                             String subjectName,
                             String attrName,
                             String[] values)
                      throws LdapException
Sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. Any previous values for the attribute are removed. See setAttributeDn.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
values - the new values for the attribute


public void setUserAttribute(String subjectName,
                             String attrName,
                             String[] values)
                      throws LdapException
Sets the value of a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization. Any previous values for the attribute are removed. See setAttributeDn.

subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
values - the new values for the attribute


public void setAttributeDn(String authDn,
                           String password,
                           String subjectDn,
                           String attrName,
                           String[] values)
                    throws LdapException
Low level method: sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization. Any previous values for the attribute are removed.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
values - the new values for the attribute


public void addUserAttributeValue(String authName,
                                  String password,
                                  String subjectName,
                                  String attrName,
                                  String value)
                           throws LdapException
Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See addAttributeValueDn.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the new value


public void addUserAttributeValue(String subjectName,
                                  String attrName,
                                  String value)
                           throws LdapException
Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization. See addAttributeValueDn.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the new value


public void addAttributeValueDn(String authDn,
                                String password,
                                String subjectDn,
                                String attrName,
                                String value)
                         throws LdapException
Low level method: adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the new value


public void removeUserAttributeValue(String authName,
                                     String password,
                                     String subjectName,
                                     String attrName,
                                     String value)
                              throws LdapException
Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.

host - the URI of the LDAP server.
authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the value to be removed. If null, the entire attribute and all values are removed.


public void removeUserAttributeValue(String subjectName,
                                     String attrName,
                                     String value)
                              throws LdapException
Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

host - the URI of the LDAP server.
authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
subjectName - the uid containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the value to be removed. If null, the entire attribute and all values are removed.


public void removeAttributeValueDn(String authDn,
                                   String password,
                                   String subjectDn,
                                   String attrName,
                                   String value)
                            throws LdapException
Low level method: removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

host - the URI of the LDAP server.
authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn containing the attribute to be modified
attrName - the attribute name
value - the value to be removed. If null, the entire attribute and all values are removed.


public void addUserEntry(String newName,
                         String[][] attrStgs)
                  throws LdapException
Adds a new LDAP entry for a user, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

Required attributes
All values are unique except as noted. See the OpenLDAP configuration file, slapd.conf, for the final say.

Attribute Meaning Typical values
DLESEemailPrimary primary email address somebody@someplace.org
DLESEloginName login name jsmith
DLESEnameFirst first name (given name) James
DLESEnameLast last name (surname or family name) Smith
userPassword login password aBigSecret

Optional attributes
All values are unique except as noted. See the OpenLDAP configuration file, slapd.conf, for the final say.

Attribute Meaning Typical values
DLESEadr1 street address line 1 123 Some Street
DLESEadr2 street address line 2 Dept 456
DLESEcity street address: city Whoville
DLESEcounty street address: county Tack County
DLESEcountry street address: country USA
DLESEemailAlt alternate email address someOther@someU.edu
DLESEfax fax phone number 303-555-1212
DLESEfocus focus (may have multiple values) elementary school, graduate students, ...
DLESEnameMiddle middle name or initial M
DLESEnameNick nick name or casual name Slim
DLESEnameSuffix name suffix, like Sr or PhD PhD
DLESEnameTitle common title, like Mr, Ms, Dr Dr
DLESEorg1 organization 1 UCAR
DLESEorg2 organization 2 U of Colorado
DLESEphone1 primary phone number 303-555-1212
DLESEphone2 secondary phone number 303-555-1212
DLESEpostalCode street address: postalCode 81234-4321
DLESEprofResp professional responsibility (may have multiple values) teaching, student, administrator, ...
DLESEstate street address: state CO
DLESEurl url http://www.somesite.org
DLESEuserPasswordPhrase password reminder phrase Mother's name
DLESEworkSphere work sphere (may have multiple values) atmosphere, biosphere, solid earth, ...

newName - the new uid
attrStgs - the names and values of the attributes. Each row i represents one attribute and it's values: attrs[i][0] is the String attribute name, and attrs[i][1 ... rowlen-1] are the String values.

Note: the attrStgs matrix need not be rectangular, since different attributes may have different numbers of values.

The "objectclass" attribute is added automatically, and should not be specified in attrStgs.



public void addEntryDn(String authDn,
                       String password,
                       String newDn,
                       String[][] attrStgs)
                throws LdapException
Low level method: adds a new LDAP entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
newDn - the new dn
attrStgs - the names and values of the attributes. Each row i represents one attribute and it's values: attrs[i][0] is the String attribute name, and attrs[i][1 ... rowlen-1] are the String values.

Note: the attrStgs matrix need not be rectangular, since different attributes may have different numbers of values.



public void storeUserObject(String authName,
                            String password,
                            String userName,
                            String objectName,
                            Object obj)
                     throws LdapException
Stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See getUserObject.

CAUTION: Storing a null object leaves a JNDI Context in the database, and on the next getUserObject call the Context will be returned instead of a user object. Storing a null object is NOT RECOMMENDED!

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
userName - the name of the user associated with this object
objectName - the name associated with this object, such as "dcsState".
attrStgs - the names and values of the attributes. Each row i represents one attribute and it's values: attrs[i][0] is the String attribute name, and attrs[i][1 ... rowlen-1] are the String values.

Note: the attrStgs matrix need not be rectangular, since different attributes may have different numbers of values.

obj - the Java Object to be serialized.


public void storeObjectDn(String authDn,
                          String password,
                          String curDn,
                          String[][] attrStgs,
                          Object obj)
                   throws LdapException
Low level method: stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization. See getObjectDn.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
newDn - the new dn
attrStgs - the names and values of the attributes. This must contain ALL the needed attributes: objectclass, etc.
Each row i represents one attribute and it's values:
attrs[i][0] is the String attribute name,
and attrs[i][1 ... rowlen-1] are the String values.

Note: the attrStgs matrix need not be rectangular, since different attributes may have different numbers of values.

obj - the Java Object to be serialized.


public void removeUserObject(String authName,
                             String password,
                             String userName,
                             String objectName)
                      throws LdapException
Removes a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
userName - the name of the user associated with this object
objectName - the name associated with this object, such as "dcsState".

Silly JNDI/LDAP spec: Returns void, with no exceptions, whether or not the objectName existed before the call.



public Object getUserObject(String authName,
                            String password,
                            String userName,
                            String objectName)
                     throws LdapException
Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization. See storeUserObject. To retrieve the attributes, use getUserObjectAttributes.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
userName - the name of the user associated with this object
objectName - the name associated with this object.


public Object getObjectDn(String authDn,
                          String password,
                          String objectDn)
                   throws LdapException
Low level method: Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization. See storeObjectDn.

authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
objectDn - the dn of the object.


public LdapEntry getUserObjectAttributes(String authName,
                                         String password,
                                         String userName,
                                         String objectName,
                                         String[] attrNames)
                                  throws LdapException
Deprecated: Retrieves the attributes associated with a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.

This method is deprecated since currently no user-accessible attributes are stored with Java objects. At some future date we could change this, allowing attributes to be stored with Java objects. See storeUserObject.

See storeUserObject. To retrieve the Object itself, use getUserObject.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
userName - the name of the user associated with this object
objectName - the name associated with this object.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.
An LdapEntry representing one returned entry. Throws LdapNotFoundException if entry not found. If attrNames was specified, the LdapEntry has the same attributes in the specified order.

If attrNames is null, the LdapEntry contains all available attributes for the entry, sorted by attribute name.



public void renameUserEntry(String oldName,
                            String newName)
                     throws LdapException
Deprecated: Renames an user entry in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

CAUTION: This will throw an Exception if any user objects are stored for this user, since OpenLDAP does not yet support renaming subtrees. NOT RECOMMENDED!

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
oldName - the old uid.
newName - the new uid.


public void renameEntryDn(String authDn,
                          String password,
                          String oldDn,
                          String newDn)
                   throws LdapException
Deprecated: Low level method: renames an entry in the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

host - the URI of the LDAP server.
authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
oldDn - the old dn.
newDn - the new dn.


public void removeUserEntry(String subjectName)
                     throws LdapException
Removes an entry from the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

Silly JNDI/LDAP spec: Returns void, with no exceptions, whether or not the subjectName existed before the call.

subjectName - the uid to be removed.


public void removeEntryDn(String authDn,
                          String password,
                          String subjectDn)
                   throws LdapException
Low level method: removes an entry from the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.

Silly JNDI/LDAP spec: Returns void, with no exceptions, whether or not the subjectDn existed before the call.

host - the URI of the LDAP server.
authDn - the authorized dn (distinguished name) of the caller
password - the password associated with authDn
subjectDn - the dn to be removed.


public boolean userExists(String subjectName)
                   throws LdapException
Tests to see if a user entry exists in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

subjectName - the uid to be removed.


public void createList(String listName,
                       String ownerName)
                throws LdapException
Creates an empty list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization, and adds the owner as a DLESElistMember of the list.

listName - the name of the list to be created. On open lists, the user can add/remove themself. On all other lists, only the list owner can add/remove DLESEloginNames.
ownerName - the uid of the list owner.


public void removeEntireList(String listName)
                      throws LdapException
Removes a list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.

Silly JNDI/LDAP spec: Returns void, with no exceptions, whether or not the listName existed before the call.

listName - the name of the list to be created.


public void addListName(String authName,
                        String password,
                        String listName,
                        String userName)
                 throws LdapException
Adds a single "DLESElistMember" name to the specified list.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.
userName - the uid to be added to the list.


public void removeListName(String authName,
                           String password,
                           String listName,
                           String userName)
                    throws LdapException
Removes a single "DLESElistMember" name from the specified list.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.
userName - the uid to be removed from the list.


public String[] getListMembers(String authName,
                               String password,
                               String listName)
                        throws LdapException
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the specified dn/pswd for authorization. Returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.


public String[] getListMembers(String listName)
                        throws LdapException
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization. Returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.


public String[] getListMembersDn(String authDn,
                                 String password,
                                 String listDn)
                          throws LdapException
Low level: Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.


public String[] getListNames(String authName,
                             String password,
                             String listName)
                      throws LdapException
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list. See also getListMembers.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.


public String[] getListNames(String listName)
                      throws LdapException
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list. See also getListMembers.

listName - the name of the list to be created.


public LdapEntry[] getListAttributes(String authName,
                                     String password,
                                     String listName,
                                     String[] attrNames)
                              throws LdapException
Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization. Returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list. See also getListMembers.

authName - the uid of the caller
password - the password associated with authName
listName - the name of the list to be created.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.


public LdapEntry[] getListAttributes(String listName,
                                     String[] attrNames)
                              throws LdapException
Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization. Returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list. See also getListMembers.

listName - the name of the list to be created.
attrNames - an array of attribute names to be returned. If null, all available attributes are returned.


protected String getProperty(String propName,
                             Properties props,
                             String pfile)
                      throws LdapException
Returns the desired property value; throws an LdapException if not found.

propName - The name of the desired property.
props - The Properties container.
pfile - The name of the properties file: not opened, only used for error messages.


protected String mkUserDn(String userName)
Given a UID, returns the corresponding full dn (distinguished name).
