
Package org.dlese.dpc.index

Interface Summary
Callback Interface for callbacks to handle processing Documents.
FileIndexingObserver This interface is used by Objects wishing to determine when a background intexing process has completed and to perform additional processing at that time.
LuceneIndexChangeListener Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.

Class Summary
FileIndexingService Indexes files into a SimpleLuceneIndex and automatically updates the index whenever changes to the files are made.
FileMoveTester This class simulates saving, moving and deleting records from the records directory.
LuceneFieldComparator Deprecated. Sorting should now be done by supplying a Sort object at search time.
LuceneIndexChangedEvent Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.
LuceneStopWords This class simply loads a hashmap of Lucene stop words from the array given by StopAnalyzer.
ResultDoc A factory container for a hit that is returned from a SimpleLuceneIndex search.
ResultDocConfig Contains the arbitraty attributes, the index and the users query, making them available in DocReaders.
ResultDocList A List of ResultDocs returned by a SimpleLucenIndex search.
SimpleFileIndexingObserver A FileIndexingObserver that simply outputs messages to System out.
SimpleLuceneIndex A simple API for searching, reading and writing Lucene indexes.
Stemmer Stemmer implements the Porter stemming algorithm.
TermDocCount A TermDocCount is returned by SimpleLuceneIndex.getTermAndDocCounts(String[]) and contains the term count, the total number of documents containing the term and a list of fields in which the term appears.
VirtualSearchFieldMapper Maps virtual search field/term pairs to Lucene Queries.
WebLogIndexingService Indexes Web and query log files using Lucene.

Exception Summary
FileIndexingServiceException Indicates an error occured in the FileInexingService occured.
IndexInitializationException Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand.
InvalidIndexException Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand.
