DLESE Tools v1.6.0 |
Interface Summary | |
Callback | Interface for callbacks to handle processing Documents. |
FileIndexingObserver | This interface is used by Objects wishing to determine when a background intexing process has completed and to perform additional processing at that time. |
LuceneIndex | |
LuceneIndexChangeListener | Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source. |
Class Summary | |
FileIndexingService | Indexes files into a SimpleLuceneIndex and automatically updates the index
whenever changes to the files are made. |
FileIndexingServiceData | |
FileMoveTester | This class simulates saving, moving and deleting records from the records directory. |
LuceneFieldComparator | Deprecated. Sorting should now be done by supplying a Sort object at
search time. |
LuceneIndexChangedEvent | Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source. |
LuceneStopWords | This class simply loads a hashmap of Lucene stop words from the array given by StopAnalyzer. |
ResultDoc | A factory container for a hit that is returned from a SimpleLuceneIndex
search. |
ResultDocConfig | Contains the arbitraty attributes, the index and the users query, making them available in DocReaders. |
ResultDocList | A List of ResultDocs returned by a SimpleLucenIndex search. |
ResultDocs | |
SimpleFileIndexingObserver | A FileIndexingObserver that simply outputs messages to System out. |
SimpleLuceneIndex | A simple API for searching, reading and writing Lucene indexes. |
Stemmer | Stemmer implements the Porter stemming algorithm. |
TermDocCount | A TermDocCount is returned by SimpleLuceneIndex.getTermAndDocCounts(String[])
and contains the term count, the total number of documents containing the term and a
list of fields in which the term appears. |
TestArrayWriter | |
Tester | |
TestSimpleIndex | |
ThreadTester | |
VirtualSearchFieldMapper | Maps virtual search field/term pairs to Lucene Queries. |
WebLogIndexingService | Indexes Web and query log files using Lucene. |
Exception Summary | |
FileIndexingServiceException | Indicates an error occured in the FileInexingService occured. |
IndexInitializationException | Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand. |
InvalidIndexException | Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand. |
DLESE Tools v1.6.0 |